Workshop - Relativistic Positioning Systems and their Scientific Applications

Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia, 19-21 September 2012

Einstein on GNSS

We are pleased to announce that a three-days workshop on relativistic positioning systems and their scientific applications will be held at Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia, on 19-21 September 2012. The workshop is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana (UL), ESA (Advanced Concepts Team) and Centre of Excellence Space-si. The goal of the workshop is to bring together those interested in the development of Relativistic Positioning Systems (RPS) and, in particular, to share ideas and establish future lines of research and collaborations.

Workshop poster for download.

Topics of the workshop include:

Also other contributions in line with the aims of the workshop will be considered.

Confirmed invited speakers:

Important information

Proceedings Submission Guidelines:

The contribution files need to be written in latex and the use of BibTex is required. If possible, the packages tikz, subfigure, subfig, pstricks, psfrag should be avoided. For substitutive codes related to the above packages please write to The images have to be either pdf, eps or png. The format template is in attachment. On submission please send the folder in attachment substituting the wording "myname" with your surname.

Submission deadline: Dec 1st, 2012

workshop (last edited 2012-10-18 12:13:21 by martin)